The Eight: Reindeer Monologues
by Jeff Goode, a dark holiday “dramedy” directed by Maru Garcia.
Tired of candy canes and sugar plum fairies? Well, take a left turn and join the media circus surrounding the latest scandal … and it’s coming from the North Pole! One of Santa’s reindeers has had enough and destroyed the charade that is “Saint” Nick. Now, the entire reindeer team is talking. Well, at least 8 of them; and they have a lot to say about Santa. It’s not ALL bad, or is it? Has money & power blinded Lady Justice once again? Come and find out! But leave the kiddies at home. This play is rated PG-13 (or R) for language and subject material.
The Eight: Reindeer Monologues opens on Wednesday, December 7th at the new home of the Wheat Ridge Theatre Company at 5455 38th Avenue, Wheat Ridge 80033 (1 block west of Sheridan).
Shows: 7:30 p.m. Wed., Thurs., Fri. & Sat. (12/7-12/10 & 12/14-12/17)
2:30 p.m. Sun. (12/11 & 12/18)
Tickets: $28.00
For more information or to purchase tickets:
Wear your ugly holiday sweater to the show!
A prize & recognition awarded at each show to an audience member with the ugliest or “most outstanding” holiday sweater. (All holidays accepted).